Whether you are hosting the holiday or attending a feast with friends and family, there are many thanksgiving conversation starters to ask at the dinner table to get know them. Here are a few to get started:

150 Thanksgiving conversation starters

The following are some of the Engaging Thanksgiving conversation starters questions to ask:

  1. What are your thoughts on the meaning of life?
  2. What makes you happy?
  3. What do you think is the most important thing to learn in life?
  4. What do you think is the biggest challenge facing humanity today?
  5. What do you think is the most important quality to possess in order to be successful?
  6. What are you most grateful for, right now, at this moment?
  7. Are you a starter or a finisher?
  8. What is your favorite thing about being alive?
  9. Do you believe that everyone deserves forgiveness?
  10. What motivates you to keep going?
  11. What is your definition of love, success and happiness?
  12. What are your thoughts on the power of the mind/body connection?
  13. What are you most Thankful for in your life?
  14. Are you a skeptic or a believer?
  15. When you’re feeling down, what do you do to lift your spirits?
  16. Are you living your life purpose–or still searching?
  17. What do you think are the most important qualities to develop in order to be content in life?
  18. What are your thoughts on the power of positive thinking?
  19. Do you believe that our thoughts create our reality?
  20. What makes you think you can achieve anything you want in life? Also read: 300 Thanksgiving questions to ask to strengthen relationships (Icebreakers, conversation starters, trivia)

Best Conversation starters for thanksgiving

Here are some of the Best Conversation starters thanksgiving questions for adults

  1. What makes you feel alive the most?
  2. Recently who did you thank for something they have done for you?
  3. What book do you think everyone should read at least once in their lifetime?
  4. Do you have anything to say to anyone in our family who is struggling right now?
  5. Do you have to offer an apology to anyone for anything in your life?
  6. Are you a “big picture person” or do you care for every single detail?
  7. Which event in your life do you think was the most meaningful to you?
  8. What do you think would make our family even stronger?
  9. What do you think our family could learn from others?
  10. What is something you want to be remembered for?
  11. What do you think the key to a happy and fulfilling life is?
  12. What do you think the biggest mistake people make is?
  13. What would you do if you had a million dollars?
  14. What do you think the most important thing we can give to each other is?
  15. How do you think we can make our family even more special?
  16. What do you think is the most important lesson our parents taught us?
  17. What do you think is the best way to show our love for each other?
  18. What is something you hope to accomplish in your lifetime?
  19. What do you think the best way to show our love for our planet is?
  20. What do you think is the most important lesson we can teach our children? Also read: 500 Thanksgiving messages (For friends, family, business, team, clients, coworkers, employees) Ultimate Edition

Thanksgiving table conversation starters

Here is a list of Conversation starters for beyond the thanksgiving dinner table: Gratitude and Thankful:

  1. What are you most grateful for, right now, in this moment?
  2. How do you practice gratitude on a daily basis?
  3. What are some of the things in your life that you are grateful for?
  4. Do you have a “gratitude journal” or a “grateful list”?
  5. What are some of the things that have brought you the most happiness in your life?
  6. What do you think is the best way to stay positive and grateful?
  7. Who or what have you been grateful for in your life lately?
  8. What are some of the things that have brought you the most happiness and calmness in your life?
  9. What has been the most rewarding part of learning to be grateful?
  10. Who is the one person in your life that influenced you positively? Spirituality:
  11. What is your spiritual belief system?
  12. What are some of the things that you have learned about life through your own experiences?
  13. What is the best way to connect with your divine side?
  14. What has been the most meaningful spiritual experience you’ve had?
  15. Which aspect of your life do you think is the most important to focus on in order to live a happy and fulfilling life?
  16. What is your understanding of the afterlife?
  17. What does it mean to “follow your bliss”?
  18. What are some of the things that you believe are necessary for a fulfilling spiritual life?
  19. What is your understanding of the universe and its infinite possibilities?
  20. Do you believe in reincarnation? If so, what do you think your next life will be like? Also read: 300 Thanksgiving captions to fill your social media feed with gratitude

Good Family thanksgiving conversation starters

These are some Good Thanksgiving family conversation starters:

  1. Who would you like to thank for making your Thanksgiving dinner the best ever?
  2. What would be your ideal Thanksgiving table setting?
  3. Who would you say is the Thanksgiving spirit in our family?
  4. What do you do with the leftover stuffing?
  5. Can anyone tell me the history of Thanksgiving?
  6. What are your hopes and dreams for our family?
  7. What do you think our family should do more of together?
  8. What do you think our family can do better?
  9. Do you have any advice for us about how to raise our children?
  10. What do you think our family should do to better connect with each other?
  11. What do you think the most important thing we can do for the world is?
  12. Which of our family members are you most grateful for this year?
  13. What do you think the main differences are between American and traditional Thanksgiving customs?
  14. What do you think will happen in the world in the next ten years?
  15. What do you think is the most important lesson we can learn from Thanksgiving? Also read: 100+ Thanksgiving trivia questions and answers for all ages (ultimate game edition for family)

Fun thanksgiving conversation starters

The following is a list of fun thanksgiving conversation starters to ask your friends, family and guests to get them talking.

  1. What are your favorite Thanksgiving dishes?
  2. What is your most memorable Thanksgiving experience?
  3. What would you do differently this year if you could?
  4. What are your hopes and expectations for Thanksgiving this year?
  5. What are your thoughts on the traditional Thanksgiving feast?
  6. What traditions do you follow around the Thanksgiving table?
  7. What are your favorite Thanksgiving memories?
  8. What are your thoughts on the modern holiday of Thanksgiving?
  9. What is your favorite Thanksgiving story?
  10. What do you hope to gain from Thanksgiving this year?
  11. What are your thoughts on the commercialized aspects of Thanksgiving?
  12. What are your favorite Thanksgiving quotes?
  13. What are your plans for Thanksgiving day?
  14. Would you like to invite all the pilgrims to our thanksgiving feast?
  15. Which would you prefer Sweet potatoes or pumpkin pie? Also read: 300+ Thanksgiving activities that are sure to get you in the holiday spirit (2022 Edition)

Funny thanksgiving conversation starters

Here is a list of Thanksgiving conversation starters funny and hilarious:

  1. Would you rather eat turkey for at least a month straight or have a 24/7 feast of Thanksgiving food?
  2. If you were to ask to prepare the complete Thanksgiving dinner without anyone’s help, what would be on the menu?
  3. Would you like to have a Thanksgiving eating challenge where you have to the entire roasted turnkey within 10 minutes?
  4. Can you be the turkey who tells all of the other animals what to do during Thanksgiving?
  5. Boiled Turkey or Fried Chicken?
  6. How many turkeys can fit on your head?
  7. Who will be the first one to finish their pumpkin pie?
  8. Who can finish their cranberry sauce in the fastest amount of time?
  9. If you were to exchange a roleplay for one day who would you choose to be from our family?
  10. If you could pick one dish to eat for Thanksgiving every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Interesting Thanksgiving dinner conversation starters

These are some Interesting thanksgiving dinner conversation starters to ask:

  1. What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
  2. What do you think is the most important quality to have in a friend?
  3. What do you think is the biggest challenge facing humanity in the future?
  4. What are some of your favorite subjects to learn about?
  5. What is your favorite thing about being an adult? 7.  What is something that you’ve always wanted to learn but haven’t had the opportunity to do so yet?
  6. What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced in your life so far that you didn’t share with anyone?
  7. Which Dish on the table you would like to donate to the charity of your choice?
  8. Can you sing or give a 3-minute speech about thanksgiving and how thankful you are for this life you got? Also read: 150+ Thanksgiving wishes to greet those who mean the most to you (2022 Edition)

Christian thanksgiving conversation starters

Here is a list of some deep thanksgiving conversation starters for christians:

  1. What are some of the things that you are grateful for in your life as a Christian?
  2. What do you think is the best way to give thanks each and every day?
  3. What are some of the things that have brought you the most happiness in your life?
  4. What does it mean to you to “give back”?
  5. What are some of the things that you have learned from giving thanks?
  6. What does it mean to you to have a “grateful heart”?
  7. What has been the most rewarding part of learning to be grateful as a Christian?
  8. What do you think is the best way to stay positive and grateful as a Christian?
  9. Which path in life do you feel most grateful for?
  10. What is your understanding of the Bible’s teaching on gratitude?

Conversation starters about thanksgiving

Here are a few Conversation starters about thanksgiving at thanksgiving holiday celebrations:

  1. What is the original name of Thanksgiving?
  2. Who was the first president to proclaim Thanksgiving a national holiday?
  3. What is the origin of the traditional turkey dinner?
  4. What are some of the traditional Thanksgiving dishes?
  5. How much do Americans spend on Thanksgiving dinner each year?
  6. What are some of the economic benefits of Thanksgiving?
  7. What are some of the historical events that have influenced Thanksgiving celebrations?
  8. What is the history of the Thanksgiving Day parade?
  9. Who were the first Native Americans to celebrate Thanksgiving?
  10. What are some of the interesting facts about the history of Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving conversation starters for kids

These are a few relationship building Conversation starters at thanksgiving for kids 1.  What are your thoughts on gratitude? 2. Can you think of a Thanksgiving story that you know? 3. What are your favorite things to do on Thanksgiving day? 4. What are your favorite thanksgiving poems? 5. Which teacher has had the greatest influence on you in your life? 6. If you had $100 would you like to purchase your favorite playing toy or donate it to a charity? 7. Why do you think Thanksgiving is such a special holiday? 8. How would you feel if we don’t celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday next year? 9. If you had to invite one Thanksgiving guest who would it be and why? 10. Where do you think the Pilgrims came from?

Family-friendly Thanksgiving day conversation starters

These are some Family-friendly Conversation starters for thanksgiving day

  1. What is the history of Thanksgiving and what are some of the myths surrounding it?
  2. What are your thoughts on the modern holiday, compared to its traditional roots?
  3. What are your favorite things to eat around Thanksgiving time?
  4. Have you ever done any traditional Thanksgiving dishes? If so, what was your favorite?
  5. What do you think are the benefits of celebrating Thanksgiving in a traditional way?
  6. What are some of the best ways to enjoy Thanksgiving day (or any holiday for that matter)?
  7. What are some of the things that you are grateful for this holiday season?
  8. What are some of your favorite Thanksgiving quotes?
  9. What are your thoughts on the traditional Thanksgiving dinner?
  10. What are some of your favorite Thanksgiving memories? Naveen’s expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with Naveen’s work, connect with him by following his social media accounts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.