This game is sure to get everyone talking, laughing, and maybe even a little bit naughty. To play, simply have each person choose your favorite list from the following Nasty would you rather questions, to ask your friends, boyfriend, girlfriend, partner, colleagues or family members. A “nasty” Would You Rather question is one that is designed to be embarrassing to ask and to answer, usually because both options are unpleasant. For example: Would you rather eat a live worm or drink a cup of dirt? Would you rather have a one night stand or a long-term relationship? Would you rather be caught mast#rbating or having s#x? These are just a few of the many possible questions you could ask. Be creative and see what kinds of responses you get. You might be surprised at just how naughty your friends can be! In this article, you will a list of 100+ Nasty would you rather questions some are funny, dirty, embarrassing, and others are most extremely sexual in nature. Have fun.

100+ Nasty would you rather questions

The following is a great list of nasty would you rather questions game edition:

  1. Would You Rather continue sleeping with your ex Or fulfill your intimate desires with your partner for the rest of your life? Having physical affairs with your ex may seem nice at first, but what if you get caught and ruin your entire life and especially lose your loyal partner for once and all?
  2. Would you rather be a slut or a womanizer? The answer to this one is pretty obvious. No one wants to be known as either of those things.  However, most women won’t reveal that they ought to be sluts but many men aspire to be womanizers. So which one would you prefer?
  3. Would you rather have s#x with your best friend’s mom or dad? Are you more of a momma’s boy or a daddy’s girl? If you’re not sure, then maybe you should ask yourself why you’re even considering such a thing in the first place. Also read: 100 Nasty never have I ever questions (nasty game edition)
  4. Would you rather eat shit or vomit? The thought of either of these things happening is pretty disgusting, but if you had to choose one, which would it be? You can try to hold your nose and think about it, but we all know that’s not going to help.
  5. Would you rather be forcefully groped or watch your family be killed? This is a pretty tough question, but it’s one that you might have to answer if you were ever in a situation like this. Unfortunately, there is no right answer, so you’ll just have to choose the one that you think is best.
  6. Would you rather be intimate with a donkey or a pig? If you’re into bestiality, then this might be an easy question for you to answer. However, if you’re not, then you might want to reconsider your options. (Warning: This is so wrong to do.)
  7. Would you rather have s#x with your sibling or your parent? This is another nasty taboo question, and one that you might not want to answer. However, if you’re brave enough, then go ahead and choose the one that you think is best. Also read: 200+ Nasty questions (dirty game edition) ask in any situation

Extremely Gross Would you rather nasty questions

Here is a list of Extremely Nasty gross would you rather questions: 8. Would you rather have diarrhea for a week or constipation for a week? No one wants to deal with either of these disgusting things for a week. The thought of it, is enough to make anyone nauseous. However, if you had to choose one, which would it be? 9. Would you rather have a small penis or a large vagina? Both have their pros and cons. The thought of having a large vagina might make some men cringe, but the thought of having a small penis might make some women cringe. So, which one would you rather have? 10. Would you rather be physical with a dead person or a dying one? This is just gross and wrong on so many levels. It’s hard to even imagine why someone would even ask such a question. There is no forgiveness for anyone who chooses any of them. 11. Would you rather watch p#rn with a minor or with your family? This is just sick and twisted. If you even have to think about this question, then you need help.  There is no right answer, and no one should ever have to answer it. 12. Would you rather be drugged and molested or completely get drunk and beaten to death?  No one wants to be in either of these situations. However, if you had to choose one, which would it be? This is a tough nasty question, but one that you might have to answer if you ever find yourself in such a situation. 13. Would you rather have your head chopped off or your private parts chopped off? This is a pretty gruesome question, and one that you probably don’t want to think about. And yes, it’s definitely a possibility that you might have to choose one of these if you’re ever in a situation where someone is trying to kill you. So, which would you rather have happened? 14. Would you rather be skinned alive or burned alive? Both of these options are pretty horrible, and there is no right answer. So, you’ll just have to choose the one that you think is the lesser of two evils. 15. Would you rather be eaten by a shark or a crocodile? This is another scary question, but one that you might have to answer if you’re ever in a situation where you’re about to be eaten by one of these animals. So, which would you rather be eaten by? Also read: 100 Nasty questions to ask your friends

Would you rather questions nasty funny

The following is a list of Funny nasty would you rather questions that make you laugh hard:

  1. Would you rather have a head full of lice or a head full of cockroaches?
  2. Would you rather eat a live baby mouse or a live baby snake?
  3. Would you rather drink a gallon of your own urine or a gallon of your own vomit?
  4. Would you rather stick your hand in a blender or your head in a toilet?
  5. Would you rather kiss a carcass or lick a used tampon?
  6. Would you rather eat a live worm or drink a glass of milk with a live worm swimming in it?
  7. Would you rather have someone set your hair on fire or pour hot wax on your skin?
  8. Would you rather stick your hand in a blender or stick your head in a lion’s mouth?
  9. Would you rather eat a live rat or drink a glass of milk with a live rat swimming in it?
  10. Would you rather be eaten alive or be slowly devoured by maggots?
  11. Would you rather be skinned alive or have your eyes gouged out?
  12. Would you rather have your tongue ripped out or your fingernails pulled out?
  13. Would you rather have your teeth smashed out or your toenails pulled out?
  14. Would you rather drink a cup of your own blood or someone else’s blood?
  15. Would you rather have someone feed you glass shards or have someone pour boiling oil on your open wounds? Also read: 100 Dirty questions to ask friends when bored

Deep, hard, and best would you rather questions nasty

The following are some of the best, deep and hard would you rather nasty questions:

  1. Would you rather eat a live bug or drink a glass of milk that has a dead bug floating in it?
  2. Would you rather step on a used needle or have someone step on your face?
  3. Would you rather be covered in bees or have your tongue bitten by a snake?
  4. Would you rather have your fingernails pulled out or your toenails pulled out?
  5. Would you rather have someone stick a needle in your eye or pour vinegar in your open wound?
  6. Would you rather have your head shaved or have someone shave your pubic hair?
  7. Would you rather drink a cup of your own urine or someone else’s urine?
  8. Would you rather eat a piece of moldy bread or drink a glass of milk that has been left out for a week?
  9. Would you rather lick a public toilet seat or lick a stranger’s armpit?
  10. Would you rather walk barefoot through a field of cow manure or through a field of poison ivy?

Nasty would you rather questions to ask a guy

These are some Nasty would you rather questions for guys

  1. Would you rather have a nose that constantly drips or an itchy butt?
  2. Would you rather have dandruff or bad breath?
  3. Would you rather wear your sister’s clothes or your mom’s clothes?
  4. Would you rather have a zit on your nose or a zit on your chin?
  5. Would you rather have your period or have to get a shot?
  6. Would you rather have the hiccups or the sneezes?
  7. Would you rather have to pee really badly or have to poop really badly?
  8. Would you rather have to pick your nose in public or have someone else pick their nose in public?
  9. Would you rather have someone accidentally step on your private parts or consciously touch them?
  10. Would you rather have someone see you naked or hear you fart?

Would you rather nasty questions for couples

Here are some would you rather questions for couples nasty:

  1. Would you rather be submissive or dominant?
  2. Would you rather be spanked or do the spanking?
  3. Would you rather use handcuffs or be handcuffed?
  4. Would you rather have your partner wear a blindfold or be blindfolded?
  5. Would you rather give or receive oral s#x?
  6. Would you rather have s#x in a public place or in a private place?
  7. Would you rather role-play a fantasy or act out a real-life fantasy?
  8. Would you rather use s#x toys or your hands during s#x?
  9. Would you rather give or receive a massage?
  10. Would you rather have slow and sensual s#x or fast and hard s#x?
  11. Would you rather be teased or pleased?
  12. Would you rather be tickled or licked?

Really Would you rather questions for adults nasty

Really Nasty would you rather questions for adults

  1. Would you rather have your date find out you’re wearing their ex’s clothes or that you have their picture as your screensaver?
  2. Would you rather have someone post an embarrassing picture of you online or have someone call you a nasty name in front of a group of people?
  3. Would you rather have someone spill food on you at a party or have someone step on your dress?
  4. Would you rather have someone accidentally hit you in the face with a ball or have someone pour a drink on you at a bar?
  5. Would you rather trip and fall in front of everyone you know or have your pants rip in public?
  6. Would you rather have someone Tweet an embarrassing picture of you or have someone post an embarrassing video of you on Facebook?
  7. Would you rather have someone accidentally send you a text meant for

Nasty dirty would you rather questions for your boyfriend or girlfriend

Here is a list of Dirty and nasty would you rather questions for your girlfriend or boyfriend:

  1. Would you rather be caught picking your nose or eating boogers?
  2. Would you rather kiss someone with morning breath or someone who just ate garlic?
  3. Would you rather have bad body odor or bad breath?
  4. Would you rather have someone accidentally spit on you or someone intentionally shit on you?
  5. Would you rather be caught mast#rbating or having s#x?
  6. Would you rather be caught in a compromising position with your mom or your dad?
  7. Would you rather have your pants rip in public or have your zipper break in public?
  8. Would you rather accidentally walk in on your parents having s#x or have your parents accidentally walk in on you having s#x?
  9. Would you rather have s#x with a prostitute or with someone you know is cheating on their significant other?
  10. Would you rather have someone accidentally fart on you or someone intentionally fart on you?

Freaky nasty dirty would you rather questions

These are some of the Nasty freaky would you rather questions:

  1. Would you rather have s#x with a partner who is covered in boils and lesions, or a partner who is covered in feces?
  2. Would you rather have s#x with someone who is blindfolded and gagged, or a partner who is blindfolded and has their hands tied behind their back?
  3. Would you rather have s#x with your relative who is covered in honey, or a crippled person who is covered in hot sauce?
  4. Would you rather have s#x with your sibling who is blindfolded and has their hands tied behind their back, or a stranger who is completely naked?
  5. Would you rather have s#x with a gay who is completely naked, or a lesbian who is wearing nothing but a pair of high heels?
  6. Would you rather have s#x with a person who is extremely hairy all over their body, or a person who is completely bald?

Nasty disturbing would you rather questions

Here is a list of Worst nasty disturbing would you rather questions;

  1. Would you rather have to eat a live bug or drink a glass of milk that has been sitting out for a week?
  2. Would you rather have to lick a public toilet seat or drink a glass of your own urine?
  3. Would you rather have to eat a plate of moldy food or drink a cup of coffee with a dead fly in it?
  4. Would you rather have to kiss a snake or have a rat crawl up your leg?
  5. Would you rather have to spend a night in a haunted house or a night in a cemetery?
  6. Would you rather have to dig through a pile of used diapers or a pile of used vomit?
  7. Would you rather have to drink from a sewer or eat from a garbage can?
  8. Would you rather have to eat a live worm or kiss a live frog?
  9. Would you rather have to stick your hand in a bowl of scorpions or your head in a bowl of snakes?
  10. Would you rather have to spend a week in a morgue or a week in a mental institution?

Nasty sex would you rather questions

Here is a list of Extremely Nasty sexual would you rather questions that turn you on romantically:

  1. Would you rather have s#x with someone who’s covered in STDs or someone who’s never been tested for STDs?
  2. Would you rather have s#x in a public place or with someone you’re not attracted to?
  3. Would you rather have s#x with a family member or with a close friend?
  4. Would you rather have s#x with a stranger or with someone you know will judge you afterwards?
  5. Would you rather have s#x while being filmed or watched by others?
  6. Would you rather have s#x with someone who’s very inexperienced or with someone who’s had too much experience?
  7. Would you rather have s#x with someone who’s completely sober or someone who’s drunk?
  8. Would you rather have s#x with someone who’s not interested in you or with someone who’s only interested in you for s#x?
  9. Would you rather have s#x with someone who’s completely uninterested in foreplay or with someone who wants to do nothing but foreplay?
  10. Would you rather have s#x in a place where you might get caught or in a place that’s uncomfortable or dirty?

Would you rather nasty food questions

These are some Good Would you rather eat nasty questions:

  1. Would you rather eat a live bug or a handful of dirt?
  2. Would you rather drink a cup of your own blood or eat a live worm?
  3. Would you rather eat a rotten egg or drink moldy milk?
  4. Would you rather eat a raw chicken breast or a raw oyster?
  5. Would you rather eat a live maggot or a dead fly?
  6. Would you rather drink a cup of hot lava or eat a spoonful of wasabi?
  7. Would you rather eat a piece of raw meat or a raw vegetable?
  8. Would you rather chew on a used piece of gum or lick a public toilet seat?
  9. Would you rather eat moldy cheese or spoiled yogurt?
  10. Would you rather drink a cup of coffee with a cockroach in it or eat a chocolate covered cricket?
  11. Would you rather eat a raw egg or a raw chicken liver?
  12. Would you rather eat a slice of bread with mold on it or a piece of fruit with flies buzzing around it?
  13. Would you rather eat a grilled cheese sandwich made with moldy cheese or a PB & J sandwich made with spoiled peanut butter?
  14. Would you rather dine on a plate of raw liver and onions or a bowl of live worms?
  15. Would you rather eat a McDonald’s hamburger that’s been sitting out for hours or a Subway sandwich made with old, moldy bread? We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for info.

Naveen’s expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with Naveen’s work, connect with him by following his social media accounts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.