We learn to advance our existence by the beliefs we develop based on our understanding of the universe, through personal experiences, facts, reasoning, logic, etc.,  However, none of them satisfy the ultimate truth of life.  The curiosity to discover the mysteries of life by understanding the functioning of the universe, keep us more engaged with our minds, hearts and souls. That understanding creates a strong connection between life and the realm of the universe helps us to become limitless. As everyone has their own truth in their hearts, even if they don’t realize it. Which makes them hold on to it by nurturing it, believing in it, disbelieving it, accepting it, and questioning it. Each one of us evolves with it and becomes a better version of ourselves by changing with it.  The philosophy of life is always about truth. I have my own reasoning and understanding of the nature of the life I seek. I would like to introduce my thoughts on the truth that we all seek. Read and share your ideas on the same.

Truth telling quotes on the philosophy of life

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